Saturday, March 25, 2006

back from the retreat...

Eric Yeldell did an amazing job of leading people into worship.

Our small group time with the guys.

That is us getting into trouble...kinda!

This is the view I had when I was spending time with God.

We climb this big hill on the first day. It was pretty cool.

I will update more about what God taught at the retreat. God did some cool things in my life. He never ceases to amaze me. God pours out His grace and peace on us. This weekend was an amazing time to seek God's face.


Bolo said...

Hey, that guy looks H - O - T - T in those camo pants...

Paul said...

i like that trail a lot. it's becoming a retreat tradition for me.

The Fosters said...

Some of those pictures are quite funny...Good retreat, great times.