Sunday, September 09, 2007


Over the years there has been something that keeps coming to mind. It is something that is not the profound. Okay....are you ready......I stink at this whole being a Christian thing. I constantly struggle, I do stupid things, I don't pray or read the word enough, I hurt people around me, I am prideful, I often care more about what other think than I do about what God thinks, and there is always to be something that I need to work on. But thankfully God puts amazing people into my life.
I am very grateful for the friends and mentors that I have in my life that are willing to sit down and speak the hard truth to me. Many times I don't want to hear, but I NEED to hear it. God uses the people around us to make us more into His image. Even though it is very tough sometimes, I praise God for friends who show me where I fail. I desperately need people like this in my life. I think through all this God is showing me why I need him. I am not supposed to be good at being a Christian. That is why we need Christ. I cannot live a day in my own strength. As soon as I do, sin happens. I need to immerse myself in the grace and strength of God. I pray that God would give me grace to walk in his strength and be a person who points people to Christ. As strange as it might sound, I am thankful for conflict. When conflict arises, God often uses that to show me the sin that I cannot see in my life. God, thank you for people who are willing to speak that hard truth into my life.

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