Sunday, April 02, 2006

strength for humility

Sorry, I have not posted in few days. Life has been somewhat crazy with work. On Thursday Dr. Scroggins preached in chapel on pride. You can listen to the message here. It was very convicting. Pride is so dangerous. It can totally mess up everything. I struggle with this very much and it seems to creep up in certain situations. I absolutely hate that I struggle with pride. Why do I worry so much about saving face? I know that my pride has held me back from doing things that I felt God telling me to do. I was too worried about what I would look like if I failed. Pride so often holds me back from doing things because I don't want to look stupid or incapable of doing something. The truth is that I am incapable of doing anything good on my own. Apart from Christ I can do nothing. I am still wrestling with this issue. How do I fight pride? Dr. Scroggins gave four suggestions for fighting pride:
1. Know your place
2. Be humble on purpose.
3. Vent to God.
4. Be alert because Satan prowls around like a lion.
I pray that I can begin to do these things. I do not want pride or fear of looking stupid hold me back from doing what God wants me to do. Father, I pray that I can fight this with your strength and I pray that you would draw me to my knees constantly. You are a holy and righteous God. I am a prideful man in need of humility. Give me the courage to be willing to look foolish for you Name. Father, I pray that Your will be done and that I would do whatever you call me to do regardless of how might look.

Pray that I can become more like Christ and grow in humility.

1 comment:

Matt Jones said...

Whew...welcome to the curse of every church planter I know! I hate my pride more than anything. Being a church planter requires so much independant thinking and motivation that it will always tempt me to forget that being a church planter only calls me to die more to my flesh and be open to God to build His church how He wants.